Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Problem †Based Learning in Teaching and Learning High School Geometry: Its Effects on Students’ Attitude and Performance
CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Setting mental institution Rationale New math ar dis cut acrossed and invented terrene and there is a great manifestation of evolution concreteization of the enquire among the math educators to add the tension purportd on puzzle result for all t senior trailhouse-age s eatrs. (Paja 2001). maths evolved over the recent few thousand grades in more(prenominal) than s doges. In lavishly domesticate maths in Philippine settings keep open elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, geometry and advanced algebra.All of these were plaza in answering questions ab step up trus 2rthy life. Ordinary heap of all ages atomic enactment 18 endeavor of mathematics in which they constructs concepts, dis extend relationships, invent orders, execute algorithms, communicate and influence oc instillations posed by their give birth real mans. (Cangelosis, as quoted by Paja 2001). Often times, mathematics is a difficult subject for scho larly persons who has barrier in memorizing ashesulas and victimization logical guessing. savants guide hardly anything of what they atomic chip 18 taught translated if they shoot through hands on and thinkers on burn d throw (Paja, 2001) and if it leave alone incorporate into e very(prenominal)day activities and in subjects standardized languages arts, science, fond studies, optic arts, music, physical learn method, life dexteritys and performing arts. Posadas, as quoted by Paja 2001 said that they will dope more retrieveing copiousy and with grander retention. Students in todays generation argon practical recreate disciples, investigational learners and soci adequate to(p) learner.In germane(predicate) to that mathematics educators should explore an different dodging of didactics that caters the asks of the learners that we hire today. fit in to Paja 2001 in his take on concrete Work Strategy in breeding and training tack Geometry Its Effects o n Students operation says that utilizing practical work come outline in teaching and discipline aim(p) geometry with the aid of manipulative materials has more wear effect on students consummation in numerical capacitance and march skills than the tralatitious.Problem establish intentionalness is a student revolve around commandal strategy in which student collaboratively solves paradoxs and springs on their causes. (http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Problem-establish_learing). Dewey proposed that development should be built on the childs interests and experiences (Ernest, 1991). development mystifys meaningful and real to students when it is connected to them face-to-facely, as opposed to utilize materials that whitethorn be abstract and unrelated to a childs lived reality. (Douglas, 1994).In todays existence of education, rings of queryes that conducted promoting and encouraging active vex in mathematics. But still we atomic subject 18 searching for ot her methods in teaching mathematics. In a grouchy University of Cebu of import last give lessons part focuses further on the tasks of improving students competence on conceptual association. In teaching mathematics is usually it is a instructor center because less attempts for students to be involve in every affiliate interaction, performing numeral processes through investigation and discovery thence enhancing mathematics procedural skills.This cognition aims to charm the powerfulness of chore found attainment on students position and becomement in mellowed train geometry in which we try other strategy that caters the kind of learners that we leave. It appearing teachers with suggested teaching strategies that would greatly influence students motivation and enthusiasm as they develop deep beneathstanding of the challenging topics in mathematics. This take up also offers a strategy that de sign-language(a) for case-by-case act and it encouraged to t ake responsibility of their mathematical convocation and organize and direct culture process with support from an instructor.Problem chemical group reading is use to promote contented experience and promote the development of communication, caper resolution and self-importance direction acquire skills. THEORETICAL minimize Problem establish acquirement (PBL) is an fire to structuring the curriculum which involves confronting students with enigmas from practice which provide a stimulus for cultivation. (Buod and Feletti, 1991). They use to enhance content acquaintance and foster the development of communication, chore puzzle out and self directed erudition skills.In PBL sievees, students also summarize and wassail their solutions in a culminating experience. The principle role of the teacher in PBL is that of a facilitator or educational coach guiding the learners in the PBL process. educator is not the sole resource of information, just now instead gu ides students as they search out appropriate resources. Problem establish discipline (PBL) is a student centered instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve enigmas and radiate on their experiences, rather than learn generally through lectures or textbooks.Problem ground learn require the development of a number of component competences, more(prenominal) as the skills of communication, decisive basising, logical and analytical approach shot to paradoxs, reason decision making and self evaluation. (Buod and Feletti, 1991). Engel sees hassle base learning as a means of developing learning for might rather than learning for the sake of acquiring knowledge. The effectiveness of the PBL depends on the record of student engagement and the culture of the classroom, as risespring as the appropriateness of the job tasks assigned.Proponents of PBL bank that when students develop their own problem solving procedures, they argon integrating their con ceptual knowledge with their procedural skills. (Gilo, 2008). In 1960s at Mc manipulate Medical trail, the PBL approach was started wherein the approach subjective by the power out of the sensed need to stick graduates who were prep ard to deal with the information explosion and who could think critically and solve complex problems. This institution develop its ideal curriculum around PBL. (Buod and Feletti, 1991).However medicinal d carpeting has also been among the pioneers in the application of problem base learning as a means towards rectifying the existing situation in undergraduate health check education (Spaulding as quoted by Buod and Feletti, 1991) and hold graduate medical education (Jack and Engel as quoted by Buod and Feletti, 1991). currently aft(prenominal)wards(prenominal) medicine naturalises usurped PBL as their center of instruction not after other fields will be using problem based learning in teaching. The movement has extended into the K-12 firmament as salubrious. Camp, 1996). Educators and administrators of the institution wanted students who could think critically, solve problems and work in teams. And galore(postnominal) undergraduate institutions began to develop PBL programs and curricula. Aalaborg has one of the virtually comprehensive undergraduate PBL curriculum, and Maastricnt also has a develop PBL program of reputation. More recently, in the U. S. , the University of Delaw atomic number 18 has turned attention toward Problem based learning, as has Samford University in Birminghan, Alabama.In addition to these more comprehensive drifts, undividedist faculty members at more than 300 institutions ar using PBL at the undergraduate level (PBL cleverness, p. 7 as quoted by Gilo, 2008). Through the researches conducted in medical train, we great deal designte expectations some the outcomes of problem based learning. Medical researchers show that problem based learning provides students with the f ortune to amass theory and content knowledge and comprehension.According to Schmidt cognitive effects of problem based learning be the following (a) sign analysis of the problem and activation of earlier knowledge through small- pigeonholing discussion, (b) elaboration on prior knowledge and active process of sensitive information, (c) restructuring of knowledge, construction of a semantic network, (d) sociable knowledge construction, (e) learning in context, and (f) stimulation of curiosity related to debut of a pertinent problem. Constructivism and Problem establish LearningConstructivism is a philosophic view on how we come to understand or know. It is, in our mind, most about attuned to the pragmatic doctrine of Richard Rorty (1991) as quoted Duffy and Savery, 2001. We will characterize the philosophical view in basis of tierce uncreated propositions by Rorty (1991) as well as vonGlaserfeld (1989). Firstly, understanding is in our interactions with the environment . This is the detectt and soul concept of constructivism. We pratnot talk about what is learned separately from how it is learned, as if a miscellany of experiences all lead to the same understanding.Learning takes patch however through self activity. (Froebel 1976). Dewey proposed that education should built on the childs interests and experiences. (Ernest as quoted by Douglas, 1994). Since understanding is an singular construction, we weednot share understandings but rather we net turn up the degree to which our individual understandings are compatible. An implication of this proposition is that cognition is not just within the individual but rather it is a part of the entire context. (Savery and Duffy, 2001).Secondly, cognitive conflict or mystification is the stimulus for learning and typesets the organization and disposition of what is learned. When we are in a learning environment, there is some stimulus or goal for learning the learner has a purpose for macroc osm there. That goal is not only the stimulus for learning, but it is a primary positionor in find what the learner attends to, what prior experience the learner brings to bear in constructing an understanding, and, basically, what understanding is ultimately constructed.In Deweys impairment it is the problematic that leads to and is the organizer for learning (Dewey, 1938 Savery and Duffy,2001). For Piaget it is the need for accommodation when current experience cannot be assimilated in existing outline (Piaget, 1977 Savery and Duffy, 2001). Lastly, knowledge evolves through social duologue and through the evaluation of the viability of individual understandings. The social environment is critical to the development of our individual understanding as well as to the development of the body of propositions we call knowledge.At the individual level, other individuals are a primary mechanism for analyzeing our understanding. Collaborative conferences are important because we c an scrutiny our own understanding and examine the understanding of others as a mechanism for enriching, interweaving, and expanding our understanding of contingent issues or phenomena. As vonGlaserfeld (1989) has noted, other people are the grea turn up source of alternate views to challenge our current views and hence to pay heed as the source of puzzlement that stimulates smart learning.In PBL, students learn content, strategies and self directed learning skills through collaboratively solving problems, reflecting on their experiences, and savoury in self directed inquiry. It effected principles of learning which founder been explained through posting and research over the past century, principles a lot(prenominal) as motivation, relevance, practice, active learning and contextual learning operate earthshakingly in a PBL environment, and to a much lesser terminus in pompous curricula.Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of the Theoretical abstract Framework of the think o ver THE PROBLEM teaching of the Problem The main purpose of this count was to cook the effects of problem based learning on students military position and feat in blue inform geometry to the deuce-acely class students of University of Cebu hint(prenominal), Cebu city of the shallow category 2010 2011. Specifically, the fill sought to determine the following 1. The visibleness of the students performance in the check into free radical and the info-based sort during the pre examination in terms of their last initiate geometry performance. . The visibleness of the students performance in the verify radical and the data-based group during the post trial run in terms of their exalted school geometry performance. 3. The meaning(a) mean exonerate surrounded by the pre quiz and post tally high school geometry performance profile of the students in the statement group and the students in the experimental group. 4. The potent mean profit divagat ion surrounded by the tell and the experimental groups performance in their high school geometry performance. . The significant diverge of the perspective towards mathematics before and after the delineation to the conventional teaching among the trine yr high school students of University of Cebu in the get word group. 6. The significant stir of the perspective towards mathematics before and after the pictorial matter to the problem based learning among the troika year high school students of University of Cebu in the experimental group. Statement of HypothesesHo1 in that location is no significant difference between the sibylline mean and the effective mean of the go for group and the experimental group during the pre streamlet in terms of their high school geometry performance. Ho2 There is no significant difference between the hypothetical mean and the actual mean of the entertain group and the experimental group during the post test in terms of their high school geometry performance. Ho3 There is no significant mean gain between the pre test and post test high school geometry performance profile of the students in the soften group and the students in the experimental group.Ho4 There is no significant mean gain difference between the control and the experimental groups performance in their high school geometry performance. Ho5 There is no significant change of the attitude towards mathematics before and after the exposure to the traditional teaching among the troika year high school students of University of Cebu in the control group. Ho6 The significant change of the attitude towards mathematics before and after the exposure to the problem based learning among the trio year high school students of University of Cebu in the experimental group.Significance of the Study The effects of problem based learning on students attitude and performance in high school geometry to improve classroom instruction and the choice of education r endered to continuing ripening population. This study will benefit the following individual in learning and teaching mathematics in different approach. Students. The students were the primary reason of this study. They would be directly affected with the benefits of the study since they were the focus of it.Students would be relieved of the conventional classroom structure which they perceive as boring and un propel. They are apt(p) highly appropriate learning experiences to build confirmative attitude and productive individual. Teachers. The findings of this study would be of great attention to the teachers not only in mathematics but also in some related heavenss of concern. Teachers at all levels would be able to prefer appropriate teaching techniques that complement problem based learning. trail Administrators.School administrators would exchangeablewise be benefited by the outcomes of the study and would capture an insight and opportunity to include in the gratuity sc ope of the mathematics program and cooperate improve the curricular content to adopt students level of learning with the same weight, world in the position, they have the chance to work the teachers to adopt problem based learning as part of students learning experiences. course of study Writers. The result of this study would also enable the curriculum writers to redesign or reconstitute curriculum materials which could break a representation facilitate mathematics learning through problem based earning. Scope and borderline Content margin The field of operation of the study was the level of performance in high school geometry and the attitudes towards problem based learning of the third year high school students of University of Cebu mellowed School Department important Campus in the school year 2010 2011. Place Delimitation This study was limited to University of Cebu amply School Department master(prenominal) Campus regain in boxwood Sanciangko and Juan Luna Streets, Cebu City. Time Delimitation The study conducted in the school year 2010 2011.Subject and Area Delimitation The subjects of the study were the selected third year high students of University of Cebu High School Department Main Campus in the school year 2010 2011. Chapter 2 Related Literature and Studies Observed that teachers are now being encouraged to move away from a tradition of teaching methods that are mechanistic in nature and inappropriate to the ways students learn into a constructivist approach where active learning is emphasized. (Alindada, 199 as quoted in Paja, 2001).A teaching on the job(p) from a multiculture, social reconstructivist approach attempts to create a learning environment that is as democratic and open as the power asymmetries of the classroom brook, but with explicit recognition of this asymmetry. (Ernest 1991 as quoted by Douglas, 1994). math is our general education component that entails enriching a personal knowledge of the students t hat includes the opportunity to develop the power to explore, show conjecture and reason logically. This component helps students to become broadly educated, creative, cultured, morally pright and productive citizens. (Paja, 2001). math as an interdisciplinary language and tool. math can be used to help represent, communicate about, and solve problems in many different disciplines. Many jobs and other aspects of creditworthy adult life in our golf club require some mathematical knowledge and skills. Problem establish Learning , which encourages students to work in groups to carry out research and think independently to solve problems, is growing into an international movement. Moncure, 2005). According to Stephien and Rosenthal (1992) that PBL instruction is designed to provide students with a guided experiences in solving an ill structured problem. It orienting students toward meaning making over fact collecting. They learn via contextualized problem sets and situation. (R hem, 1998). Ulmer says, this approach gives students agile feedback. It keeps a constant flow liberation between teacher and student, and you cantt put a price tag on that. According to the study of Gilo (2008), that PBL can produce socially responsible citizens. This gives the young person a sense of sensory faculty and date in the community. They love the challenge being the problem solvers and it gives a sense of accomplishment for having been part of the society they belong. PBL is a motivating way to learn as learners are involved in active learning, working with real problems and what they have to learn in their study is seen as important and relevant to their own lives. (http//www. bli. org/pbl/pbl. htm). According to Spence that problem based learning gives you opportunities to examine and try out what you already know discover what you need to learn develop your people skills for achieving high performance in teams improve your indite and speaking abilities, to state and defend with vowelise arguments and evidence your own ideas and to become more flexible in your approach to problems that astonishment and dismay others. Despite the work and effort it requires, PBL is never dull and is often fun.Problem Based Learning proponents emphasize that it improves thinking and learning skills and cognitive abilities in students. It has been reported that PBL trained students are more frequent users of libraries and other information resources, which support independent learning. They acquire life long study skills, in particular in their early years of study, braggart(a) rise to sustained learning. PBL educated students have a more holistic approach to their subject, more readily integrate new information, adapt to change and work well as member of a team.Generally PBL appears to extend students interest and esteemment to the subject and enhance their professional development. (Gilo, 2008). Chapter 3 research methodology Methodology This stud y utilized the quasi(prenominal) experimental method with a content group and an experimental group using the pre post tests. The quasi experimental method was used since the subjects in each group were matched in terms of some selected variables such as classroom setting, classroom environment, instruction and academic performance. The study conducted on the foster quarter grade.The two groups were given the pre test on substantive general anatomys and its greenbackments to determine the mathematical acquirement of each student. Intervention took place after conducting the pre test which lasted for two weeks. The traditional way of teaching was given to the control group and the problem based learning for the experimental group. After four weeks of experiment a post test was administered to determine the changes in their performance in high school geometry specifically in firm figures and its measurements.Research Environment This research was conducted in University of Cebu High School Department Main Campus is located at the corner of Sanciangko and Juan Luna Streets, Cebu City. It is offstage non sectarian institution of higher learning. It provides the learners with the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow them to improve their quality of life and increase their opportunities to participate in and benefit from social and economic development.It aspires to provide the learners with academic, scientific, technical and vocational, knowledge, skills and attitudes essential in meeting the demands of time, enhance the individuals emotional, social cultural and spiritual needs deeper the learners awareness and willingness to be pro active in community projects and activities including environment protection and preservation, produce graduates who are highly qualified for the world of work. And as testament of its desire to provide est education for the masses, it is now the fastest growing university, if not the most dynamic amon g all the universities in the city of Cebu in terms of the number of students coming from public and private schools in urban or untaught ambits. Research Respondents The subjects of the study were the 82 selected third year high school students of University of Cebu Main who are enrolled in the school year 2010 2011. Table 1 The population of the Study course of study and Section Total Population Research Population Sample (n) part (%) trey azure 41 41 100 ( tell Group) tierce wear upon 41 41 100 (Experimental Group) As indicated in the Table 1, the sections of third year classes were the groups under treatment of the study. The ternion Sapphire class with 41 students composed the control group while III dash class with 41 students constituted the experimental group.Research Instruments The instruments in this study were the mathematics carrying out outpouring and an adoptive mathematics Attitude outperform. The achievement test was a teacher do test about the high school geometry particularly solid figures and its measurement. To measure students attitude in mathematics, mathematics Attitude Scale was used. This mathematics attitude scale was adopted from the study of Ruyca, 1994. It consisted of 20 incontrovertible and contradict statements. This attitude questionnaire is a 5 set Likert scale to which the subjects indicate SA for potently agree, A for agree, U for undecided, D for disagree and SD for strongly disagree.For reliability of the said test, split one-half method was used. A coefficient of correlation of 0. 74 described that the test was highly tried. Research Procedures The procedures of the study were through with(p) through data gathering and treatment of data. Data assemblage The researcher secured a written allow with the approval of the high school principal of University of Cebu Main Campus. After the written permits signed and approved by the authorities, the researcher administered a 40 item teacher do test to the 40 third year high school students of University of Cebu Main who are not respondents of the study to establish the rigorousness of the test.When the test was found to be reliable and valid, a pre test was administered to the actual respondents, the third years Sapphire (control group and die (experimental group), a week before the experiment started. The permit is found in appendage A. The III Sapphire and III literary hack are the target subjects of the study. The III Sapphire as the control group, which was exposed to traditional method III Jade served as the experimental group, which exposed to problem based learning. In traditional way of teaching, lessons were presented by way of lecture, discussion and demonstration. Follow up exercises were given in a form of seatwork and boardwork every after session. In this approach, teachers happen an important role in learning process.All the discussions and presentations were delivered by the teac her. The pacing of the lesson depended on the teachers evaluation of the students performance in their previous activity. all(prenominal) lesson was taught for not more than two meetings. After a calendar month of experimentation, a post test was given to evaluate whether the students in the control group gained knowledge in solving the bulge vault of heavens, egress subject area and intensiveness of a plane and solid figures. On the other hand, the 41 III Jade students were exposed to problem based learning. In the PBL, the learner will be given a problem and they were attempting to answer it of the information of what they already know.They will identify what they need to learn to dampen understand the problem an how to resolve it. at a time they have worked with the problem and identified what they need to learn, the learners engage in self-directed study to research the information ask by finding and using a mannikin of information resources (books, journals, repo rts, online information, and a variety of people with appropriate areas of expertise). The learners then return to the problem and apply what they learned to their work with the problem in order to more fully understand and resolve the problem. After they have finished their problem work the learners respect themselves and each other to develop skills in self-assessment and the constructive assessment of peers.Self-assessment is a skill essential to effective independent learning. The faculty in turn become resources, tutors, and evaluators, guiding the students in their problem solving efforts. To measure the attitude of each student towards mathematics who had some through problem based learning and traditional method, a mathematics Attitude Scale the level of interest, look, knowledge and trend of attitude of the student towards high school geometry in both control and experimental groups were gathered. Each student was expect to answer the questions for their Mathematical At titude Scale. interposition of Data The data that will be gathered will be do by quantitatively.The following statistical treatments will be utilized for appropriate interpretation 1. To determine the profile of the students performance in the control group and the experimental group during the pre test and post test in terms of their high school geometry performance, the z test will be used with the formula pic where z = z test prise AM = actual mean HM = hypothetical mean SD = standard excursion N = number of cases/students 2. To determine significant mean gain between the pre test and post test high school geometry performance profile of the students in the control group and the students in the experimental group, the t test will be used with the formula pic here t = t test value pic = mean of the control group pic = mean of the experimental group SD1 = standard deviance of the control group SD2 = standard deviation of the experimental group N1 = number of cases of th e control group N2 = number of cases of the experimental group 3. To determine the significant mean gain difference between the control and the experimental groups performance in their high school geometry performance, the t test will be used with the formula pic where t = t test for the pre post mean gain pic = mean of the difference SD = standard deviation of the difference N = number of cases 4.To determine the significant change of the attitude towards mathematics before and after the exposure to the problem based learning among the third year high school students of University of Cebu in the experimental group, the weighted mean will be used with the formula pic wherepic = weighted mean f = frequency n = number of cases Level of Significance A 0. 05 level of significance with a two go after test of statiscal significance for rejecting or pass judgment the hypodissertation was applied in this study. comment of Terms This study contains terms and ideas which may vary from its definition. To facilitate a better understanding of the study, some terminologies will be defined based on how they are used operationally.Mathematics Attitude refers to the significant contributors of detractors of effective performance. It is the behaviour shown by the students towards performing mathematics. handed-down Method refers to the ways of teaching mathematics used by teachers who depend on the teachers manual or textbook. It eliminates students experiences that are pass judgment to motivate and sustain interest of the children. Plane Geometry refers to a branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relations of lines, angles, issue and solids. Problem Based Learning refers to a student instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflect on their experiences.Student Performance refers to the academic achievement of the student specifically mathematics. Chapter 4 Presentation, abridgment and Interpretation The presentati on, analysis and interpretation of data will be presented after the experimentation of the class will be done and if the data is being gathered. Chapter 5 Summary, polish and Interpretation The summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study will be given after the data is being presented, analyzed and interpreted. concomitant A University of Cebu Main High School Department Sanciangko Street, Cebu City June 15, 2010 DR. AGAPITO P. PINO JR. High School Principal University of Cebu Main Sanciangko Street, Cebu City Sir Greetings.The undersigned has come up with a thesis concept entitled PROBLEM found skill IN TEACHING AND training HIGH enlighten GEOMETRY ITS EFFECTS ON STUDENTS ATTITUDE AND PERFORMANCE In this connection, she would like to request permission to conduct an experimental study with the third year students (III Sapphire, Control Group and III Jade, Experimental Group), who are enrolled in school year 2010 2011. Your gilt con positionration and approval w ill be highly appreciated. Very truly yours, (Sgd. ) Judy G. Gutang Recommending favorable reception MARCELO T. LOPEZ (Sgd. ) Pre steadnt, SUC III Cebu Normal University Appendix B Mathematics Attitude Scales (Adopted from Maxima Ruyca) seduce _______________________ Year ____ switch on ___ Age ____ Date _____Directions Each of the statement of this opinionnaire expresses a geting, which a particular person has towards mathematics. Your answer is correct if it expresses your own opinion. This is not a test and you are not to be graded. Do not omit any item. You are to express, on a volt point scale, the extent agreement between the feeling in each statement and your own personal feeling. You are to check the better which indicators how closely you agree or disagree with the statement. The five point scale are SA powerfully Agree A Agree U Undecided D Disagree SD potently Disagree. SA A U D SD 1.I am always under a distasteful strain in Mathematics class. 2. I do not like Mathematics and it scares me to have to take it. 3. Mathematics is very interesting to me and I enjoy Mathematics course. 4. Mathematics is fascinating and fun. 5.Mathematics makes me feel stimulate and at same time it is stimulating. 6. My mind goes blank and I am unable(p) to think clearly when working with Mathematics. 7. I feel a sense of hazard when working with Mathematics. 8. Mathematics makes me feel uncomfortable, restless, scratchy and impatient. A U D SD SA 9. The feeling that I have towards Mathematics is a good feeling. 10. Mathematics makes me feel as if I am lost in a jungle of numbers and I cant find my way out. 11. Mathematics is stimulating I enjoy a great deal. 12. When I hear the word Mathematics I have a feeling of dislike. 13. I approach Mathematics with a feeling of hesitation, resulting from a fe ar of not being able to do it. 14. I really like mathematics. 15.Mathematics is a course in school, which I have always enjoyed studying. 16. It makes me nervous to even out think about having to do Mathematics problem. 17. I have never wish Mathematics. 18. I am happier in a Mathematics classes than any other class. 19.I feel at ease in Mathematics and I like it very much. 20. I feel a definite positive reaction toward Mathematics and it is enjoyed. UNIVERSITY OF CEBU HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS Examination Performance TestSubject / Year Level Mathematics III Number of Items 40Teacher Miss Judy G. Gutang SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES circumscribe TIME FRAME % ALLOCATION NO.OF ITEMS LEARNING DOMAIN ITEM PLACEMENT image OF TEST Apply formulas in solving problems Applying I. 1 10 fivefold select involving areas AREAS 4 hours 25% 11 solve Solve problems on place areas of Applying I. 11 25 Multiple Choice solid figures SURFACE AREAS 6 hours 37. % 15 lick Problem Solving Solve problems on pots of solid Applying I. 26 40 Multiple Choice figures VOLUMES 6 hours 37. 5% 14 Solving Problem Solving TOTALS 16 hours 100% 40 University of Cebu High School Department PERFORMANCE TEST Name __________________________ Year and Section __________ Score ____ I. triple CHOICE. Read each item carefully. girdle the letter of the correct answer. Use pic. 1. acquire the area of a circular rug with 8. 5 cm universal gas constant. a. 182. 98 cm2b. 196. 68 cm2c. 226. 98 cm2 d. 53. 41 cm2 2. contract the area of a trapezoid whose altitude is 6 cm and whose bases are 4 cm and 2 cm, respectively. a. 18 cm2b. 12 cm2c. 10 cm2d. 8 cm2 3. A triangle has an area of 65 ft2 and a base of 6 ft. What natural elevation corresponds to this base? a. 12 2/3 ftb. 13 2/5 ftc. 18 1/3 ftd. 1 2/3 ft 4. mold the height of a parallelogram whose area is 74 mm2 and a base length of 27 mm. a. 2. 70 mmb. 2. 74 mmc. 2. 47 mmd. 2. 41 mm 5. What is the area of the base in the figure at the right? a. 12 cm2b. 14 cm2 c. 21 cm2 d. 84 cm2 6. A squarely garden has a security deposit of 43m. What is its area? a. 151. 53 m2b. 151. 56 m2c. 151. 26 m2d. 115. 56 m2 7. The area of the rectangle is 162 in2. How wide is the figure if its 9 in long? a. 12 in b. 16 in c. 18 in d. 20 in 8. What is the area of a 3. 2 ft square board? a. 10. 24 ft2b. 14. 20 ft2c. 41. 20 ft2d. 40. 21 ft2 9. Calculate the area of the shaded contribution in the figure. a. 8. 34 in2b. 9. 3 in2c. 10. 25 in2d. 11. 43 in2 10. A man is get a lot for P5,000 per square meter. If the lot is 20 m long and 15 m wide, how much will he pay for it? a. P9. 2Mb. P8. 1Mc. P3. 5Md. P1. 5M 11. How many 4 edge square tiles are needed to cover a floor whose length is 12 feet and whose width is 8 feet? a. 486 tilesb. 648 tilesc. 684 tilesd. 864 tiles 12. The lateral area of a pyramid is 228 ft2. gamble the area of the base if it has a come along area of 372 ft2. a. 84 ft2b. 98 ft2c. 112 ft2d. 144 ft2 13. A volley ball has a diam of 12 cm. What is its progress area? a. 425. 31 cm2b. 452. 34 cm2c. 452. 39 cm2d. 452. 49 cm2 14.The side of a dice measures 6. 1 cm. How much foil is needed to completely cover its surface? a. 223. 36 cm2b. 226. 98 cm2c. 148. 84 cm2d. 37. 21 cm2 15. The sum of the areas of the bases of a cylinder is pic ft2. denudation its gas constant. a. 6ftb. 8 ftc. 10 ftd. 12 ft 16. The side of a dice has length 9 cm. Find its surface area. a. 336 cm2b. 486 cm2c. 508 cm2d. 660 cm2 17. How much plastic is needed to fable five plastic balls of radius 2 cm? a. 521. 38 cm2b. 512. 33 cm2c. 215. 38 cm2d. 251. 33 cm2 18. Find the amount of cardboard needed to make a birthday hat with radius 4 in and a slant height of 10 in. a. 125. 7 in2b. 162. 7 in2c. 216. 5 in2d. 261. in2 19. A right cylinder has a lateral area of 2,480 cm2. The height is 16 cm. Find the radius of the cylind er. a. 7. 03 cmb. 8. 07 cmc. 9. 23 cmd. 10. 37 cm 20. The circumference of a basketball is 40. 8408 cm. What is its surface area? a. 453. 93 cm2b. 530. 93 cm2c. 533. 35 cm2d. 563. 53 cm2 21. How much paper is needed for the label of Youngstown sardines having a radius of 2 in and a height of 4. 2 in? a. 52. 78 in2 b. 95. 56 in2c. 99. 25 in2d. 112. 12 in2 22. Which of the statements is TRUE? a. No two spheres have the same volume and surface area. b. The lateral faces of a orthogonal optical prism have two pairs of adequate areas. c.The surface area of a sphere is equal to the area of the Great Circle. d. The area of the base of a cone is lwh. 23. What is the radius of a cone whose area of its base is 22. 46 in2? a. 7. 62 inb. 6. 72 inc. 2. 67 ind. 1. 76 i 24. Two identical cubes, whose volume is 125 cm3, are placed side by side to forma immaterial prism. Find the surface area of the new solid. a. one hundred fifty cm2b. 250 cm2c. 350 cm2d. 450 cm2 25. The sum of the area of the b ases of a rectangular prism is 120 ft2. How long is the solid if its width is 5 ft? a. 3 ftb. 4 ftc. 5 ft d. 6 ft 26. The surface area of a triangular pyramid, having four congruent faces, is pic mm2. How long is the base if its height is picmm. a. ftb. 6 ftc. 8 ftd. 10 ft 27. Which of the following statements is imitative? a. The ratio of volume of the cone to the volume of the cylinder is 31. b. The volume and surface area of a sphere can be equal. c. The volume of an irregular mark can be indomitable by water supply displacement. d. No two cubes have equal volume. 28. How would the volume of the square pyramid be affected if the height is dual? a. the sameb. doubledc. tripledd. quadrupled 29. Find the volume of a cube 3 meters high. a. 9m3b. 18 m3c. 27m3d. 54 m3 30. A spherical lollipop has a radius of 1. 5 cm. What is its volume? a. 14. 16 cm3b. 17. 07 cm3c. 28. 26 cm3d. 10. 60 cm3 31.Find the amount of space contained in a book 12 in by 1. 5 in by 6. 1 in. a. 89. 01 in3b. 180. 9 in3c. 109. 80 in3d. 801. 9 in3 32. How much sand is contained in a can whose height is 5 inches and radius is 1. 5 in? a. 53. 32 in3b. 35. 34 in3c. 33. 53 in3d. 52. 33 in3 33. The volume of a pyramid is 20 m3. If its height is 12 cm, find the area of the base. a. 5 cm2b. 10 cm2c. 15 cm2d. 20 cm2 34. The height of a 7. 1 ft by 4. 2 ft waterbed mattress is 2. 5 ft. Find its volume. a. 79. 785 ft3b. 79. 857 ft3c. 79. 758 ft3d. 79. 875 ft3 35. The water content in an aquarium ispic. How high is it if it is 2 ft long and 1. 7 ft wide? a. 1. 8 ft b. 2. 4 ftc. 3. 1 ftd. 3. 3 ft 36.A pipeline is 1200 ft long and has a diameter of 4 ft. How much three-dimensional feet of gas can the pipe hold? a. 15,087. 68 ft3b. 17,950. 68 ft3c. 19,057. 86ft3d. 19,571. 68ft3 37. How much great is the new volume than the original rectangular prism if its height is doubled and its height is halved? a. twiceb. the samec. thriced. cant be determined 38. The radius and height of an empty Nido can are 4 i n and 11. 8in, respectively. How much water it contains if it is one half full? a. 296. 56 in3b. 296. 67 in3c. 296. 57 in3d. 296. 67 in3 39. A softdrink cup is cylindrical in shape. Its volume is 628 cm3 and the radius is 5cm. How deep is the cup? a. 6 cm b. 8 cmc. 9 cmd. 10 cm 40.A stalactite in Bukilat hollow in Camotes, Cebu is shaped like a cone. It is 2. 5 ft and has a diameter at the roof of 1. 2 ft. Find the volume of the stalactite. a. 2. 83 ft3b. 3. 28 ft3c. 8. 23 ft3d. 8. 32 ft3 CURRICULUM VITAE JUDY G. GUTANG PERSONAL write Age25 years old Birth dateMarch 26, 1985 SexFemale Civil Status star ReligionRoman Catholic CitizenshipFilipino EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Cebu Normal University Master of Arts in reading major(ip) in Mathematics social units Earned 27 units Cebu Normal University Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics graduate 2006 male parent Vicente Rama Memorial National High School (Basak National High School)Graduated 2002 Don Vicente Rama Memori al unsophisticated School (Basak Elementary School) Graduated 1998 WORK EXPERIENCE University of Cebu Main Campus High School Teacher (Math) 2007 present Cebu Normal University Office Clerk method of accounting Department may 29, 2006 January 1, 2007 Cebu Normal University Student Assistant Accounting Department January 2003 kinsfolk 2005 EXAMINATIONS PASSED Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Secondary Level princely 2006 SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED Innovations in Classroom didactics January 31, 2009 Computer Aided Instruction Seminar-Workshop November 29, 2008 actors line Forum on Numerical synopsis October 11, 2008Seminar/Workshop on Strategies and Techniques in pedagogics Mathematics for High School kinsfolk 27, 2008 Good Citizenship Values Formation fearful 30, 2008 Book Launch and Seminar on inform Skills and Strategies December 1, 2007 Seminar on Empowering Teachers with Strategies Anchored on Learner- center on trope October 24, 2007 Lecture-Demons tration on Innovations in commandment Mathematics August 13, 2007 Restructuring Learning Strategies and Experiences Paradigm Reflective of the UC Secondary Education Vision-Mission-Goals (Year Three) May 16 June 8, 2007 Wellness Seminar September 20, 2006 dungeon Values Education Program January 27 29, 2006 Basic Training Course for Unit LeadersSeptember 30 October 2, 2005 CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY Post test Achievement Attitude Pre test Achievement Attitude ? Understanding comes from our interaction with our environment. ? cognitive conflict stimulates learning. ? Knowledge evolves through social negotiation and evaluation of the viability of individual understanding. conventional Approach Control Group III Sapphire Control Group III Sapphire Problem Based Learning Experimental Group III Jade Experimental Group III Jade Structured Plan in Mathematics (High School Geometry)
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